Your Therapies


Cupping is an ancient Chinese method used to relieve muscle tension, promote blood & lymph ci…


We Custom Make Orthotics for Optimal Recovery and Maintenance in Glen Waverley


At our clinic, we are committed to helping patients achieve optimal health and wellness through a…

Dry Needling

Dry needling is an effective and efficient technique for the treatment of muscular pain and myofa…

Postural advice

Posture is the way in which somebody holds his or her body. Poor posture can often be the root ca…

Bowen Therapy

Bowen is a holistic remedial body technique that works on the soft connective tissue (fascia) of …

Musculoskeletal Therapy

Is a therapy designed to treat the muscles and skeletal system using various soft tissue and mobi…

Trigger Point

Trigger points are small contraction knots in the muscles. They can also appear in areas such as …

Muscle Energy Technique

Muscle Energy Technique (MET) is a manual therapy that uses the gentle muscle contractions of the…

Myofascial Release Therapy

Myofascial release’ is a soft tissue therapy and is used for the treatment of skeletal muscle imm…

Exercise Advice and Corrective Exercises

Correct movement is corrective exercise! If you take the time to learn how to perform certain mo…

Muscle Energy Technique

Muscle Energy Technique (MET) is a manual therapy that uses the gentle muscle contractions of the…
25 years experience successfully providing professional treatment for patients of all ages.

Waverley Back and
Sports Care

Dedicated and passionate about helping you achieve a state of physical well being.

Your Back Therapies

Spine pose is the placement of the spinal column in the human body.
It is debated what the optimum spinal posture is, and also whether inadequate back pose triggers lower neck and back pain.

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